Celebrate your Mom with a gift of history – Warriors for Democracy
Just in time for Mother’s Day, our Warriors for Democracy book is in the spotlight again.
Writer’s Block bookstores are featuring our Warriors book and joining with LWVOC to sponsor a tribute to women’s rights and mothers:
“Stirring Stories of Strong Women,
A Mother's Day Salute to Our Foremothers and the Future”
11 a.m. Saturday, May 7, 2022
Winter Park Library, 1052 W. Morse Blvd, Winter Park
Presenters: Linda Chapin, Martha O. Haynie,
“Susan B. Anthony” (Joan Erwin) and “Sojourner Truth” (Mary Graham-Lawrence)
All welcome – no charge
You can swing by Writer’s Block bookstores and pick up your Mother’s Day copies of our Warriors for Democracy, at newly reduced prices, and/or at a special book signing during the forum.
Writer’s Block has established special displays of our book. A portion of the proceeds benefit the LWVOC, thanks to the generosity of Writer’s Block owner Lauren Zimmerman.
Writer’s Block has two independently owned bookstores:
Writer’s Block Bookstores
316 N. Park Ave., Winter Park
32 W. Plant St., Winter Garden
For more information about the event and bookstores, contact Joan Erwin, History Committee co-chair, joanErwin13@gmail.com, or see LWVOC.org.